THE ECONOMIST Subscription
- $880.00
- $769.00
The Economist's primary focus is world events, politics, and business, but it also runs regular sections on science and technology as well as books and the arts. Approximately every two weeks, the publication includes an in-depth special report on a given topic. The five main categories are Countries and Regions, Business, Finance and Economics, Science and Technology, and Other. As the editors for The Economist are very opinionated, they are able to provide a balanced viewpoint on the global issues substantiated by solid examples for the students to refer to and use during O-level English Paper and GP exams. The magazine suitable for advance readers who are IP / IB / O LEVEL To A level
The Economist magazine has sections like finance and economics, that use real-life examples to explain economics concepts taught in school. Since it’s a weekly magazine, if students read on a weekly basis, they will be able to weave the examples into their essays to earn better marks since it shows that students are able to apply theories and concepts in real life. Since in the subject of economics, there are various laws and rules to follow and apply, the examples, real-life situations and analyses will be able to paint a better picture for students to grasp onto abstract theories.
The Economist subscription come with Print + Digital + Audio
For Magazine subscription it would take 8 to 12 weeks to start. Business days exclude Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.
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